Long Range
Well-known member
Jenkeillä sisäradan mestaruus kisat tulevana viikonloppuna PSL ja ARA. Taisi määrä täyttyä kun 94 ampujaa ilmoittautui.
Chicken Foot sisärata ei ole täysin lämpöeristetty ja lämpötila vaihtelee jonkunverran ulkolämpötilan mukaan.Järjestäjä innoittaa tuossa tulemaan ajoissa ja testaamaan käyntiä aamu/iltapäivällä kun ollut vaihtelua piekkareiden/patruunoiden käynnissä kun lämpötila muuttuu.
We will do what ever we can do to get every body some seat time! Right now the PSL has 3 relays and that is 7.5 hours with 5 cards give or take about a hour if we gain some time by cards finishing in less than 20 Minutes ! Shoot the PSL and you will get plenty ! ChickenFoot is a very Temperature sensitive and so is your ammo ! Example : Yesterday nothing worked for most in the first match but it changed a bunched for the 2nd match ! If your ammo ain`t working in the a.m. portion of the show it may work in the p.m. ! If you just test in p.m. you could have a big surprise Saturday morning if it is cold outside! I know every body has to get dialed in , get there on Thursday and shoot a.m & p.m. to know what you have to be prepared for your fate!
Chicken Foot sisärata ei ole täysin lämpöeristetty ja lämpötila vaihtelee jonkunverran ulkolämpötilan mukaan.Järjestäjä innoittaa tuossa tulemaan ajoissa ja testaamaan käyntiä aamu/iltapäivällä kun ollut vaihtelua piekkareiden/patruunoiden käynnissä kun lämpötila muuttuu.
We will do what ever we can do to get every body some seat time! Right now the PSL has 3 relays and that is 7.5 hours with 5 cards give or take about a hour if we gain some time by cards finishing in less than 20 Minutes ! Shoot the PSL and you will get plenty ! ChickenFoot is a very Temperature sensitive and so is your ammo ! Example : Yesterday nothing worked for most in the first match but it changed a bunched for the 2nd match ! If your ammo ain`t working in the a.m. portion of the show it may work in the p.m. ! If you just test in p.m. you could have a big surprise Saturday morning if it is cold outside! I know every body has to get dialed in , get there on Thursday and shoot a.m & p.m. to know what you have to be prepared for your fate!