piekkarin piipun lyijyttyminen


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Kannattaaako ampua piekkarin piippu aivan lyijystä tukkoon ?? ---- vai puhdistaako useammin ?

lainattu jenkkifoorumilta __ http://benchrest.com/showthread.php?87819-Lead-removal

get the lead out
I’m going to jump in here on this. At our last match before our summer shutdown my rifle started to sling lead bad. A gun that will shoot groups in the very low 70’s to 90’s was now throwing shots all over the target. It was so bad I quit shooting and helped scoring targets. When I got home I striped the gun down. Checked the firing pin, spring ,head space everything. It all was ok. I removed the barrel from the gun ran a few wet patches through the bore than a dry patch. Looked ok. I ran another wet patch and OMG. The barrel looked like it had pimples down the bore. It was lead lots and lots of lead .Right in front of the chamber it had a streak about two inches long. And all down the tube was lead. I inspected the bullets I was using and there was no lube on them. One box out of a case. No lube. I talked to my gun smith. He said if it’s that bad JB or isso will not work. It’s abrasive and could do harm to the barrel trying to remove that much lead. He said use chemicals. Regular gun cleaning solvents were not going to work. I found this stuff called no lead from sharp shooter. I used that along with wipeout & patchout. It did not work as advertised. It stated on the container to use a patch soaked in no lead let it set for 15 minutes than use a patch soaked in wipe out patch out. They said it was brushless. No it’s not. After going through 1500 patches,7 bronzes brushes and hours of work it is clean. No lead. That stuff also took out all of the carbon. It does work but it ain’t easy, but it works. My barrel now looks like a mirror. I just hope like hell it shoots. Sorry for the long explanation just thought you’d like to know.
Savolaismallinen piekkarin piippu . :eek:


ylimenossa vähän lyijyä , sekä suurempi syöpymä noin 10 cm piipunsuusta johon oli myös muodostunut lyijyttymä .