Tarina huipulle nousemisesta

Long Range

Well-known member
Tuossa linkissä Portugalilainen Pedro Serralheiro kertoo kuinka hänen nousunsa Euroopan ja Maailmankin pistepiekkari huipulle on tapahtunut.
Kannattaa lukea huolella.Ei vaivatta kunniaan ja monenmoista mutkaa on matkan varrella ollut.

Välinepuolella verkostoituminen USA:n huippujen kanssa on yksi asia.Tuon viimeisen Pedrolle tulleen kasapiekkarin rakensi USA:n tunnetuin pistepiekkari ampuja Tony K Harper.Tony ampui menestys uransa Isä Calfeen tekemillä piekkareilla ja muutama vuosi sitten innostui itse sepän hommiin ja imenyt tiedon kyllä Calfeelta.Pedro ampui ko piekkarilla muutama viikko sitten ulkorata kisassa 50 metriä tuloksen 750 / 66 X eli Tony on nopeasti oppinut sepän taidot.

Mutta kaikki muu selviää Pedron avautumisesta.Kovasti on töitä tehnyt menestyksensä eteen joka osa alueella.


Pedron "elämänkerta" jatkuu ja hän kirjoittaa myös kuinka he ovat saaneet Portugalissa harrastaja määrän nousuun ja myös kuinka ovat kehittäneet tunereita ja niiden viritystä.

Jos on Pedro kovalla työllä nostanut itsensä kansainvälisesti kovalle tasolle on myös hänen energia riittänyt nostamaan harrastaja määrää Portugalissa.



Tuossa osio mitä Portugalissa on tehty harrastaja määrän kasvuun saattamiseksi:

Let’s considerer towards shooting, 2020 as a dark side, because all was closed down.

I already told you that I took my time to perfect a lot of things that didn’t need going to the range. But, we, as a Team, worked a lot to push forward benchrest in Portugal. If we look back it seems we came out from the caves to a standard international competition level. Well, let’s be fair, a lot of work has been done before us, to implement and seed the benchrest bases around here, so hat’s off to those people behind. However, we were stagnant in terms of evolution and very far from what could be considered a basic level that would catapult us to the international level. Make no mistake, if you want to be competitive at the next level you have to shoot, practice and established a routine accordingly.

Very soon on this changing desire process, we discovered the 1st Evil…

Let’s took a helicopter view, and put in perspective benchrest comparing to 99% of all other disciplines, related to shooting or not. What can you see? I can’t answer that, but I do know what I saw, and continue to see…
Let me do some questions:
• Where are the benchrest schools?
• Where are the benchrest teachers?
• Where are the benchrest coaches?
• Where are the benchrest mentors?
• Where’s our desire to keep the passion alive?

If a kid wants to start a sport’s discipline, he goes to a school, then is followed by a teacher, ten by a coach and soon, on his(her) sport career, the top is reachable. We have none of these on benchrest. It’s a miracle that we still shoot together, so alone and isolated from each other as one can be. We do groups, we form Teams, but outside those closed environments not much is shared. We are the problem; we should be the solution.

So, we start pushing the status quo… I did workshops around the Country, virtual seminars, web meetings, about the most important topics in benchrest. It makes one wonders why the majority of the attendees were not benchrest shooters…

We pushed to change our National Championship to be more like the Internationals, we went abroad to shoot at important matches, we organized (still do, of course) International Opens to bring others to our Country. Have to say, that it was hard, very hard, to convince people that was(is) the way. Invariably, the answer was, you are crazy, you are going to destroy benchrest, we are going to lose all shooters…. You know.

Now, after all the struggle, some enemies in between, hard discussions, we have in Portugal one of the more competitive BR50 across Europe. Never before our scores were so high and consistent, never before we are winning international competitions, never before we were invited, during an international Iberian Open, to give a workshop about benchrest.

A lot of work, a rewarding work, I must say, that my Club, especially the benchrest teams have been doing to evolve our passion. Needless to say, we started with one Team, we are now 3 Teams… and more shooters are willing to join.

We, benchrest shooters, have to be the change protagonists. So, I invite each of you to mentor one or two shooters, develop them so them can took your place. That’s the only way to perpetuate our legacy. Think about that.

During 2021, we picked all available tittles but HV. The major big competitions have been postponed, being WBSF Worlds to 2022 in Volmerange, and the WRABF Worlds to 2023 in Pilzen.